Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tropical Storm Cookies

Tropical Storm Fay bypassed us. The Tampa Bay area has been fortunate over the past five years as hurricanes have repeatedly blown past us.

Winds did not exceed 20 m.p.h. today and it didn’t rain a drop. D.A., D.P. and I took full advantage of this “free day” and made chocolate cookies to celebrate the fact that we still had electricity.

D.P. was so proud of himself because he was able to crack an egg without getting the shell in it. This is usually D.A.’s specialty. She took advantage of the fact that she did not have this responsibility and snuck a few licks of cookie dough from the beater.

Both kids decided to wrap up some cookies for their new teachers tomorrow. They were disappointed they could not include some for all of their classmates.

They also cut heart shapes into two cookies for Dad and I.

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