Monday, August 4, 2008

As I brush the knots out of my precious D.A.’s waist length blonde hair, we have the following conversation…

“Mom. What do you do if you have to go to the bathroom and someone is already on the toilet? “ (We only have one bathroom in our house.)

“Well, the best thing to do is knock on the door and tell the person to hurry up because you have to go too”.

“But what if you can’t wait? Can you go outside?”

“No. You can wait”

“But I’ve seen D.P. go pee outside before.” (Not sure if she is tattling or revealing facts at this point.)


“Yes. He does it all the time when you are in the bathroom.”

“How do you know this?”

“I spy on him. Mom, do you want me to teach you how to be a spy?”

I find our conversation very curious.

First of all, is my son peeing outside? (He denied doing so when I brought it up even in a humorous kind of way.) And secondly, has my daughter ever “spied” on me when I wasn’t paying attention? Not that I have any reason to be concerned however there are certain conversations that should only be heard by adult ears.

I will certainly have to pay more attention now that I know.

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