Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Visit to the Dentist

The kids saw the dentist today. The looks on their faces tell the whole story.

D.P. has been to the dentist before. He does not care to be poked at. He took it like a trooper, even feeling as sick as he was. Unfortunately, he has 5 cavities. Ugh.

D.A. on the other hand was ecstatic! She could not contain herself she was so excited. She changed her outfit twice before finding EXACTLY what she wanted to wear on this momentous occasion. She insisted on styling her own hair. She was the first one out the door mumbling to herself that she could not wait to get to the dentist. And she did GREAT! The dentist would not allow me to go back to the exam room with her but she was ok with that. She sat still and did not even try to bite or kick the dentist. And best of all...


That said, now I must lament.

The dentist they saw was at the health department.

I have never had the experience of visiting the health department.

Today, they were giving free exams and x-rays to children returning to school.

Free is important when you do not have dental insurance or even a job to make the copays if I did have insurance.

As I sat in the crowded waiting room, I had to bite my tongue many times to fight back the tears. Here was my sweet daughter so excited to see the dentist for the first time and I bring her to the health department. When D.P. saw the dentist for the first time, I had a comfortable salary to pay for the visit. There were trains, video games and playhouses in the waiting room. He was able to watch some kind of Disney movie as he sat in the dental chair.

The dentists give your children the same care you would receive at a private dentist, right? It is better than nothing, right? Then why do I feel so icky about it?

Truth of the matter is that I don't think D.A. really noticed the difference. She was just happy to get her back of goodies and the eraser that said "No Cavities Club".


From my observations of others in the waiting room, I am lacking

1. a Giant designer handbag
2. A Blackberry type cell phone
3. Breast implants
4. BCBG shoes (which I adore)
5. Manicured finger tips

But the most bizarre was the little girl sitting next to my son. She must have been 7 or 8 years old. Her finger and toe nails were manicured and painted with the french tip style. She also had on a dress, fancy sandals and chandelier earrings but some girls are fancy girls ??????

D.P. poked me and whispered in my ear "See mom, I told you I am old enough for a cell phone. The little girl next to me has one". I reassured him it was probably her mother's and that she was just playing with it.

Not long after that, the cell in the little girl's hand rings and she answers it. I am curious now so I pay attention to see if she hands it to her mom. She doesn't, and I hear her talking about where she is and how she wished her dad would bring her McDonald's because she was hungry. (He did show up about an hour later with McDonalds and the little girl was the only one who ate).

Interesting day.

1 comment:

James said...

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