Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Baseball with the Red Hot Bucket Monkeys

I am not the biggest sports fan. And some may call it luck but I am married to a man that is even less of a sports fan than I am. That is unless it involves horsepower...but that is another post...

Needless to say, my children are not exposed to much in the way of sports. It is impossible, however, not to feel the excitement for our hometown team, the Rays! What a success for them this year. This town fought so hard for this team. And they were in LAST place the previous season. And now we watch them on THE WORLD SERIES! A momentous event even for those of us that are not sports fans.

D.P. and D.A. were allowed to stay up past their usual bedtime to watch the first few innings of the World Series Game #1. The conversations were interesting to say the least...

D.P. surprised me with his knowledge about foul balls, outs and the term "on deck". This is the kid that wanted to quit T-ball half way into the season. He determines whether he will have a good day or bad day based on how much he will "have to sweat" at after care because it is his grade's day to be outside or in the gym. When I asked him how he knew so much about baseball, he confidently replied "from the Wii game". I should have known. We don't even own one!

And then D.A., observant as she is, noticed the helmet the batter wears is different because the ear is covered on one side. As any first grader may conclude, the purpose for the ear being covered is to "remind the batter which side to bat on-left or right".

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