Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

To celebrate Father's Day, D.P. and D.A. decided they wanted to take their dad to see a movie. Dad invited me along. :-) Dad wanted to see "The A-Team" but because it is rated PG-13, he acquiesced to see "Toy Story 3" instead.

What an excellent movie with a tear-jerking scene toward the end. Andy, the main character throughout the series, is now grown up and moving away to college. His mom is so busy packing him up that it is not until his bedroom is empty that she stops and realizes that her son is moving away. :-( Although I sat contently watching, my son felt the need to hold my hand and tell me that "its okay". What compassion! I rarely cry during movies yet he anticipated that I might feel sad at a scene that he knew would be difficult if it were to occur in my own life. I pray he maintains this rare strength as he grows to be a strong father some day.

And speaking of fathers, I want to wish both of my dad's a very special day! I love you both!

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